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Best New Electric Rechargeable Motorcycle 3-10 yrs

New Electric Rechargeable Motorcycle

Get the best electric rechargeable toy bike for your beloved child and make them happy. We have quality electric motorcycle that will serve the bubbly child for many years. Beautiful electric rechargeable toy bike to look at and be seen in. Durable and hardy to beautiful design to ensure your kids present stands out from the rest. The handle grip bar is flexible and can be adjusted vertically and horizontally to suit the child’s comfort and height.

We also restock electric toy cars for kids in Kenya of all ages. We are the toy store in Nairobi Kenya.

Best electric rechargeable motorcycle for kids 3-10 years and it can support any weight for kids in that age range.  The seat has two way flexibility and can be adjusted vertically for height and the seat itself has rotational capacity to suit the preferred child’s seating.  It has USB Port for playing music just incase. It has an acceleration pedal on the feet level to ensure it can move fast at the speed you prefer. Great quality brakes and tyres fitted. Children will get to enjoy this electric rechargeable motorbike for a long time. A basket can be also beneficial in carrying water and snacks for outside activities.

Suitable for 3-10 year old’s.

new electric rechargeable motorcycle

Best Electric Rechargeable Motorcycle For Kids 3-10

This electric rechargeable motorcycle will all your kids music without battery dying. 
It can be rode anywhere from roads to the grass. 
Ensure you are around your kid if it's the first time the kid is trying the motorcycle.
We real hope you family like this authentic product from us to you.




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